
Institute is fully residential. Accommodation for visitors is normally arranged in the Technology Guest House, CEC Guest House, Alumni Guest House andTransit hostels. ISWT/GIAN participants will be provided accommodation on payment basis. The accommodation options with tariffs are given below. Please visit this page regularly for booking details.


1 Technology Guest House (TGH)
A. Single occupancy in Double Bedded (AC) 1000.00 INR
B. Double occupancy in Double Bedded (AC) 1500.00 INR

2 Visveswaraya Guest House (VGH)
A. Single occupancy in a double bedded room (AC) 400.00 INR
B. Double occupancy in double bedded room (Non-AC) 300.00 INR
C. Single Occupancy in double bedded room (Non-AC) 250.00 INR
D. 3/4 bedded room per person (Non-AC) 150.00 INR
E. Double occupancy in a double bedded room (AC) 600.00 INR

3 Ashotosh Mukherjee Guest House (AMGH)
A. Single bedded (AC) 300.00 INR

4 Transit Hostel
A. 4 bedded rooms per person (Non-AC) 180.00 INR

5 Transit Hostel (Ladies Only)
A. 3/4 bedded rooms per person (AC) 125.00 INR
B. 3/4 bedded rooms per person (Non-AC) 80.00 INR

Click here for Information on Guest Houses.


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